The Cirrus Research CR:310 basic sound level meter is a Class 2 instrument suitable for routine noise level testing and basic noise at work measurements.
The price includes a calibrator.
The Cirrus Research CR:310 basic sound level meter is aClass 2 instrument suitable for routine noise level testing and basic noise at work measurements*. The data information provided by the CR:310 sound level meters is accurate and reliable, meeting international standards for Class 2 accuracy.
How the CR:310 will benefit you
The CR:310 is an entry-level sound meter and is incredibly easy to use. It is the perfect solution for users who are new to noise measurement and need to routinely check on noise levels. It provides sound pressure (SPL), maximum sound level (Lmax) and Cpeak data. It also displays A and C frequency weightings, as well as Fast (F) and Slow (S) time weightings, which many other basic sound level meters available on the market cannot. The CR:310 is an integrating sound level meter, providing average noise level data (Leq) and the overall dose values (LEq8h). This allows the CR:310 to be used for basic workplace noise assessments. CR:310 measurement data can also be printed directly using the optional portable printer.
Key features