The Fisher WLT Water Level Indicator provides an economical and reliable means of obtaining accurate water level data in water wells.
Fisher WLT Water Level Indicator
The WLT Water Level Indicator provides an economical and reliable means of obtaining accurate water level data in water wells. Contact of the electrode assembly with the water surface is indicated by an LED and an audio alert.
The brass electrode assembly is 3/8” in diameter and can be replaced in the field. The WLT is available with a 1/2” diameter brass on a special-order basis. The cable is two-conductor, steel and copper plated, with a tensile strength of approximately 300 pounds and a tough plastic insulating jacket. It is mounted on a small handheld spool and stand to conveniently extract or withdraw the cable and electrode assembly.
Depth indicated by numbered metal tags securely crimped to the cable at intervals of five feet or every meter on the metric model WLTM.